Top 10 Gorilla Secrets Unpeeled!

Top 10 Gorilla Secrets Unpeeled! by @allatyme.


00:00:00 Introduction
00:00:20 Gorillas can catch human colds!
00:00:34 Gorillas eat a lot!
00:00:46 Gorillas have unique nose prints.
00:00:59 Gorillas can’t swim!
00:01:09 Gorillas are herbivores.
00:01:21 Gorillas use tools.
00:01:34 Gorillas have strong family bonds.
00:01:43 Gorillas have a longer gestation period.
00:01:52 Gorillas can grieve.
00:02:01 Gorillas have a relatively short lifespan.
00:02:12 Conclusion