Indigenous Healing: Fruits & Vegetables of Tomorrow

Indigenous Healing: Fruits & Vegetables of Tomorrow by ONEGODIAN, LLC.

00:00:00 The Healing Power of Nature
00:00:15 The Mighty Moringa Tree
00:00:31 The Marvelous Camu Camu Berries
00:00:43 The Unique Vegetable with Blood Sugar Benefits
00:00:56 Chayote – The Ancient Vegetable Pear
00:01:08 The Miraculous Noni Fruit
00:01:19 Soursop – Tangy and Cancer-Fighting
00:01:32 Taro – A Staple for Digestion and Heart Health
00:01:43 Embracing Ancient Wisdom
00:01:56 Nourishing Our Bodies and Souls
00:02:08 Conclusion
00:02:09 End Sting
